Texas Central Air

Commercial Air Conditioner Repair Houston, TX

"Good People Make the Difference"

Serving the Greater Houston, TX Area Over 10 Years

Home Furnace Repair and Maintenance

Texas Central Air/Heating Services in Houston, TX/Home Furnace Repair and Maintenance

Even though furnaces are generally regarded as one of the most efficient and reliable heating systems on the market, they can still sometimes break down and require service. When that happens, call the Houston, TX furnace repair and maintenance professionals at Texas Central Air. We can repair any type of furnace including electric, gas and propane systems.

We’re available 24/7 for emergency furnace repairs and we offer flat–rate pricing so that there aren’t any surprises with the bill at the end. Our Houston, TX furnace repair technicians go through regular training throughout the year and we guarantee all of our labor for a year. Whether your furnace is making an unusual noise or it isn’t producing enough heating, just give us a call today to talk with one of our furnace experts.

Contact the Houston, TX area air conditioning and heating services professionals at Texas Central Air today.

281-727-0327 We provide experienced technicians and also a 1–year guarantee on all of our labor so that you can rest assured that you’re getting good quality services.

Furnace Repair Services

Houston, TX Furnace Repair Services

Furnaces are a great way to provide heat to your home but like any other piece of equipment they will eventually break down. Call the Houston, TX furnace repair pros at Texas Central Air if you’re having any issues with your furnace. While this can definitely be frustrating, it can also sometimes pose a health hazard to your home—especially if you have a gas–fired furnace. Here are a few issues to watch out for.


If you have a gas–fired furnace that is rattling you should probably call for furnace repair immediately. This is sometimes caused by a cracked heat exchanger, which could allow carbon monoxide to leak into your home. However, this could also be caused by a loose part somewhere in the system.

Not enough heat

Insufficient heat is a common issue that is most often caused by a clogged air filter. It could also be that the furnace isn’t lighting properly or that the fan motor needs repair.


If your furnace starts to make any new noises (not just rattling) you likely have a problem. Squealing is a common problem caused by a bad fan motor belt that needs replacing.

Furnace Maintenance

Furnace Maintenance in Houston, TX

Getting furnace maintenance services in Houston, TX for your system is a great way to make sure that it operates consistently and with high efficiency. You wouldn’t drive your car for 100,000 miles without ever getting the oil changed would you? Your furnace needs the same type of regular maintenance and care. As it operates, it will develop small problems that eventually grow into larger, more costly repairs.

But when you have a Houston, TX furnace maintenance expert regularly inspecting and tuning up your furnace, they will be able to find those small problems and alert you to the need for repair. This could allow you to avoid repair, increase efficiency, and also extend the life of your furnace.

Furnace Repair And Maintenance Technicians

Houston, TX Furnace Repair and Maintenance Technicians

No matter what type of furnace you have, Call the Houston, TX furnace repair and maintenance technicians at Texas Central Air today. We’ve worked with all different types and brands of furnaces and we can help you keep yours working well and fix any issues that might develop along the way.